My Account
New Users: Create an Account
If you don't already have an account, click "Create Account" below.
Returning Users: Log-in
Your Password: 
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If you are experiencing problems logging in please contact our support help line:
1-972-910-6899 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET) or send an e-mail to

Returning Users - Log-in:

Virtual Meeting Purchaser Login:
Please use your account username and password you created upon your online purchase. If you purchased your access at the conference or with registration please refer to the email that was sent to you.

ASTRO Member Login:

Please login using your ASTRO member login information.

Create User Account

New to the Virtual Meeting Center Login:
If you have not purchased the virtual meeting access before AND you are a Non-ASTRO Member, please create a user account by selecting the “create account” button.

If you still have trouble logging in please click Request Password.

If you are experiencing problems logging in, please contact our support help line:
1-972-910-6899 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET) or send an e-mail to