DIA 48th Annual Meeting
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Social Media 2.0: The Power of Online Rare Disease Communities to Connect and Engage ePatients
Track : Track 18: Rare/Neglected Diseases
Program Code: 370
Date: Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Time: 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM  EST
 Julia Nable, SandorMax, United States
 Tai Spargo, National Organization For Rare Disorders (NORD), United States
Alex La Croix, Synageva BioPharma Corporation, United States
 Brian Loew, Inspire, United States
Relevant case studies will be presented to demonstrate how online patient communities and social media are revolutionizing how patients gain access to disease and treatment information.

Learning Objectives:
Identify best practices and processes for creating online patient communities using social media
Evaluate specific social media innovations and platforms that connect with rare disease patients
Discuss critical elements for pharma and patient organizations to collaborate on online communities.