Session Information
2010 NACE Annual Conference
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Understanding PTSD, TBI & Best Practices Strategies Towards Accommodating Transitioning Veterans
Track : Diversity
Program Code: 770
Date: Thursday, June 3, 2010
Time: 2:45 PM to 4:00 PM  EST
Location: Crystal D
Edward Crenshaw
While it is altruistic for colleges and universities to actively recruit transitioning veterans, it is counter-productive to increase drop-out rates based on disruptive behavior and other medical and cultural challenges specifically caused by exposure to combat conditions. The primary goal of this presentation is to bridge the knowledge gap for employers, managers, supervisors, and educators of transitioning veterans by reducing the possibility of stigma and misconceptions regarding physical and hidden disabilities (such as amputations, depression, PTSD, and TBI; enhancing productivity through inexpensive, creative, and flexible accommodation solutions; educating colleges and universities on proactive intervention and support programs; using best-practice diversity strategies to bridge cultural differences; and informing colleges and universities of potential environmental trigger issues that may inadvertently exacerbate certain mental health conditions. War exposure indelibly changes one's perspective. In the coming months, many veterans will begin the process of transitioning to their families, communities, employers, and educational institutions from extensive combat exposure. DESTIN's signature training program Preparing Employers to Reintegrate Combat Exposed Veterans with Disabilities (PERCEVD) is distinctive in the marketplace and is recognized by several HR and diversity industry associations, disability advocacy groups, and military support organizations

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(Code: 770)
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