Session Information
2010 NACE Annual Conference
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Bridging the GAP - Graduates Advancing to Professionalism
Track : Recruitment/Retention
Program Code: 750
Date: Thursday, June 3, 2010
Time: 2:45 PM to 4:00 PM  EST
Location: Crystal B
Bridget Walter
Susana Suarez
In 1995, recent college graduates at Fluor's Houston office expressed a desire for continuous learning and assistance transitioning into the corporate environment. So, a committee of recent college graduates, supported by talent development and human resources, developed Graduates Advancing to Professionalism (GAP). The GAP program seeks to "bridge the gap" by providing college hires with professional development opportunities, facilitating social interaction and networking, and encouraging community involvement and volunteerism. Through GAP, Fluor has successfully increased the visibility and engagement of recent college hires. Since its inception, GAP has gained increased support and momentum from executive management and has proven to impact the bottom line, specifically in the areas of recruiting, retention, communication, diversity, and inclusion. Fluor maintains a retention rate of approximately 80 percent for college hires between zero and five years of employment. The GAP initiative continues to grow in size, scope, and geographical dispersion, as our global offices recognize the value of the program. Currently, GAP operates in 12 offices across the globe. GAP is approaching its 15th year in 2010. Fluor is enthusiastic to share the history, development, challenges, and successes involved with building and expanding an effective recruiting and retention program for new college graduates.

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(Code: 750)
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