Session Information
2010 NACE Annual Conference
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Embrace your inner geek: Strategic and creative ways to implement technology in your work
Track : Technology
Program Code: 430
Date: Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Time: 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM  EST
Location: Boston
Farouk Dey
Steve Ehrlich
Amanda Powers Snowden
Nancy Richmond
Valinda Lee
This session will begin with a description of Web 2.0 and a best practice presentation from self-proclaimed geeks, concretely identifying how each has maximized the impact of technology in four specific ways. One center overhauled the writing of annual reports, one became an expert in teaching students to network using social media, one will report on her year-long experimentation using social media outlets to reach varied audiences, and one developed a comprehensive strategy for the use of technology, both internal and external. Panelists will focus on how these resources were implemented under time and budget constraints, and how technology was able to save time and/or money. This diverse group of participants represents each of NACE's regional associations, large and small public and private universities, and a nonprofit organization. The moderated panel will discuss challenges they faced, how they decided which technologies to implement, the programs that have provided the best return on investment, and the reactions they have received from their important shareholders. To ensure that the conversation is relevant to participants, questions will be solicited from NACE members prior to the session, and there will be open time for questions and answers.

Audio Synchronized to PowerPoint
(Code: 430)
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