Session Information
2011 NACE Annual Conference
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First Destination Surveys
Track : CS
Program Code: 190
Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Time: 1:30 PM to 2:45 PM  EST
Location: Texas Ballroom 4
Patricia Rose, University of Pennsylvania
With more groups increasing their focus on outcomes, college and university career centers must be able to provide detailed information on first jobs and graduate school acceptances. What kind of jobs do students take, and with which employers? What graduate degrees do they pursue? What are the mean salaries by major, gender, nationality or visa status? Where are the jobs or graduate programs located? Parents, admissions officers, faculty members and administrators can all use this information, but career centers have a particular need for it. Survey findings can be shared with students in counseling sessions and workshops. And data on how students found their jobs can help demonstrate the essential role the career center plays within the institution. Knowing where students go to work, by industry, function and geographical area, and when they got their offers, can be useful in employer outreach efforts as well. With more external organizations asking colleges how many students have found jobs by graduation, or within six months of graduation, it is essential that these data be collected. The career center can play a key role in writing the survey instrument, persuading students to fill it out, analyzing the data, and presenting it to stakeholders.

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(Code: 190)
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