My Account
New Users: Create an Account
If you don't already have an account, click "Create Account" below.
Returning Users: Log-in
Registrant ID #: 
*2011 attendees, please include '11' in front of your Registrant ID for access "to the multimedia recordings"
Last Name: 
Forgot your password?

If you attended a prior Annual Session and would like to gain access to the Multimedia Recordings, you already have an account. You can login as a Returning User using your Registrant ID # provided on your registration confirmation from Experient (it is NOT the number printed on your badge). Your temporary password is your last name. We recommend that you change your temporary password when you first log into this site. If you do not have this information, use the "Forgot your password?" link to have it emailed to you. Please ensure to enter the same email address you used for the Annual Session registration.

If you are experiencing problems logging in, please contact our support help line:
1-972-910-6899 (Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST) or send an e-mail to