Session Information
2008 International Conference and Exhibition
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Industry Drivers: Sustaining the Practice of Medicine: What if Our Physical Healthcare Environment Becomes Obsolete?
Track : March 12, 2008
Program Code: 290
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Time: 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM  EST
Location: Sun C
 Simon Bruce, AIA, Vice President, SmithGroup, San Francisco, CA
 Jens Mammen, RA, Principal, SmithGroup, Chicago, IL
Is the healthcare facility really in danger of becoming obsolete? A near constant state of change in healthcare delivery coupled with escalating costs is forcing providers and architects to approach the facility in a wholly different way. By viewing the facility as a strategic resource, these new capital planning and design strategies can achieve a truly successful and sustainable facility, capable of adapting to any number of possible futures. This session enables attendees to:
•Describe the magnitude and implications of the rapid changes and growing challenges facing the American health system and how this could radically transform the built environment.
•Discover the critical programming, planning and design factors necessary to keep your facility from becoming obsolete before its time.
•Assess how facilities can be designed to adapt to new, emerging and even unknown technologies and delivery models.

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(Code: 290)
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