Session Information
2011 ASHE Annual Conference & Technical Exhibition
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Sutter Medical Center Castro Valley: The Real Risks and Rewards of IPD
Track : Monday, July 18, 2011
Program Code: 240003
Date: Monday, July 18, 2011
Time: 3:15 PM to 4:30 PM  EST
Location: WSCC: Room 605/610
 George Hurley, Project Executive, DPR Construction
CO-PRESENTER (S):   Click the plus sign to see more detailed information about each speaker.
 James Mobley, AIA, COO/Principal, Devenney Group Architects
 Digby Christian, Project Manager Sutter Medical Center Castro Valley, Sutter Health
 Zach Sargent, Healthcare Division Manager, Superior Air Handling
This case study presentation walks you through the challenges, best practices, lessons learned, and benefits/metrics of the Sutter Medical Center Castro Valley project. Hear how the application of an integrated project delivery (IPD) approach prompted the implementation of an 11-party integrated form of agreement (IFOA). Learn how the IFOA, used to bind all parties into a single contractual agreement to share both risks and rewards, was applied and how its use impacted the project. This session will enable you to:

* Discuss the challenges the team encountered and how they were overcome.
* State the pros and cons of this approach and how it can be replicated for future projects.

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