Session Information
2011 ASHE Annual Conference & Technical Exhibition
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Excellence In Facility Management: Defining World-Class Care
Track : Monday, July 18, 2011
Program Code: 242169
Date: Monday, July 18, 2011
Time: 9:45 AM to 10:45 AM  EST
Location: WSCC: Room 608-609
 Bert Gumeringer, MBA, CHFM, SASHE, Director-Facilities Operations & Security Services, Texas Children's Hospital
CO-PRESENTER (S):   Click the plus sign to see more detailed information about each speaker.
 Donald Wojtkowski, PE, FASHE, Executive Director Design and Construction, SSM Health Care
 Iona Canada, Corporate Manager of Healthcare Business Development, Trane
 David Holzen, CHFM, Assistant Director-Support Services, Texas Children's Hospital
Health care facility management embraces a multitude of disciplines and responsibilities. While indicators such as compliance, energy use, or cost per square foot for management and maintenance of a facility can demonstrate effective facility management, the true measure of excellence in health care facility management is the extent to which the physical environment fosters excellent health care. The presenters, who include the recipients of the 2010 Excellence in Heath Care Facility Management Award, will use case studies to share effective practices and insights on the role of facility management in providing safe and effective care. This session will enable you to:

* State the contributions that facility management makes to providing quality patient care and high levels of patient satisfaction.
* Identify best practices in facility management that can be implemented at your facility.

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