Session Information
ASHE 2012 49th Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition
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Medical Telemetry, MBANs, and other Wireless Health Initiatives
Track : Plenary Sessions
Recently, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has made industry headlines on two medical device topics. The first was when the FCC recently adopted new rules that allocate spectrum space to serve Medical Body Area Network (MBAN) devices, which have the potential to provide many clinical benefits to patients in the future. The second occurred when the FCC announced that it evaluating whether or not to relocate existing Wireless Medical Telemetry Service (WMTS) devices operating in the TV channel 37 band, an action that could mean moving hundreds of thousands of medical telemetry transmitters, to other areas of the spectrum. In order to provide you with the latest information on these actions, ASHE has added this session, which features a live discussion with representatives from the form the FCC. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Ira Kilts, the Deputy Chief of the Office of Engineering and Technology, and Geri Matisse, the Chief of OET's Policy and Rules Division of the FCC, discuss the impact that these issues will have you on your facility. This session, which also features ASHE Executive Director Dale Woodin and ASHE Engineering & Compliance Director John Collins, offers you the unique opportunity to learn much more on these two issues, and other wireless health initiatives, directly from the FCC.

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