Session Information
ASHRM 2010 Annual Conference & Exhibition
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Enforcement Case Studies to Enhance Your HIPAA Training
Track : Legal and Regulatory
Program Code: TH-19
Date: Thursday, October 14, 2010
Time: 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM  EST
Location: Room 18/19
 Donna Vanderpool, MBA, JD, AVP, Risk Management, Professional Risk Management Services, Inc.
Given HITECHs mandated increase in HIPAA penalties as well as in enforcement, ensuring a compliant workforce is more crucial than ever. An adequately trained workforce is the key to minimizing exposure for Privacy and Security Rule violations. Case studies are a very effective means to convey important information about what exactly is legally required for compliance. However, the diffuse amount of enforcement information can make the task of incorporating case studies into your HIPAA training a daunting one. This session will provide a guide to enforcement resources, as well as a survey of civil and criminal HIPAA enforcement actions.

  • Demonstrate by way of prosecution cases the government's approach to criminal HIPAA enforcement.
  • Incorporate actual case examples of HHS civil enforcement into HIPAA training.
  • Locate various enforcement resources to be used in developing content for HIPAA training.

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