Session Information
2008 BIO International Convention
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Leveraging Out-licensing/Spin-out Opportunities
Track : Business Development
Program Code: 73
Date: Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Time: 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM  EST
Location: 33ABC
Eva Jack, Managing Director, MedImmune Ventures , MedImmune, Inc
Christopher Hite, Head of East Coast Healthcare Investment Banking , Lehman Brothers, Inc
Lori Rafield, LFR Advisors
Eckard Weber, Partner , Domain Associates LLC
Robert Wills, VP, Alliance Mgmt. , Johnson & Johnson
"For many companies, a successful corporate development strategy should not only encompass in-licensing and R&D collaboration opportunities, but should also take out-licensing and spin-out options into account. Hear from business development executives from large pharma and biotech
companies about how they've made the most of out-licensing technologies and tech platforms, intellectual property and products or product candidates that no longer fit within the companies' portfolios."

Objective1: Prepare for the main risks and challenges presented by emerging markets.

Objective2: Understand actionable best practices and insights to help build organizational capabilities and improve deal processes.

Objective3: Learn from other industries what contributes to success and failure in emerging markets transactions.

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PowerPoint Slides
(Code: 73)
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