Session Information
2008 BIO International Convention
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Doing Business in Asia—Evaluating and Facilitating Access to Opportunities for Collaboration and Investment
Track : Doing Business Globally
Program Code: 869
Date: Thursday, June 19, 2008
Time: 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM  EST
Location: 24BC
Greg Scott, Chief Executive Officer , ChinaBio Accelerator
Bernd Brust, Sr. Vice President, Global Sales & Marketing , Invitrogen Corporation
Charles Hsu, PhD, Venture Partner , Bay City Capital LLC
Michael Hui, Managing Director , Shanghai ChemPartner Co., Ltd.
Kewen Jin, CEO , Charles River Laboratories, Inc
James Schoeneck, Chief Executive Officer , BrainCells, Inc
Ian Wisenberg, CPA, SVP, Business & CFO , BIOCOM
"As the need for new therapeutics and demand for diverse patient populations grows, the advancements being made in Asia from both development and clinical trial perspectives cannot be overlooked and, in many cases, become critical to
future drug development strategies. This session will strive to give attendees greater insight into how to take advantage of these opportunities."

Objective1: Explain the opportunities in Asia for outsourcing.

Objective2: Provide means to navigate through the red tape of conducting business.

Objective3: "Identify the shortcomings and potential pitfalls that could be

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PowerPoint Slides
(Code: 869)
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