Session Information
2008 BIO International Convention
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Payer Oncology Pharmaceutical Management—Revolution or Evolution?
Track : Emerging Company Issues
Program Code: 1542
Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Time: 8:15 AM to 9:45 AM  EST
Location: 31ABC
Burt Zweigenhaft, CEO and Managing Partner , BioPharma Partners
Daniel McCrone, MD, COO & CMO , TOMC
Rebecca Shanahan, Esq, President , Shanahan Capital Ventures, LLC
"A panel of medical and pharmacy management experts will discuss their views, strategic direction and the emerging influence of the managed-care payer channel to appropriately
manage the oncology pharmaceutical spend. CMS being the largest payer of oncology drugs through MMA oncology
management reform and the instituting of the CAP vendor program have cast a shadow effect over the entire managedcare marketplace. Now managed-care payers are drafting behind the MMA changes with programs and strategies that will affect physicians and manufacturers who have previously operated without managed-care payer oversight. This panel of health market payers will discuss and debate opinions and timing of the evolutionary changes oncology pharmaceutical management we can expect to see over the next few years."

Objective1: Discuss the underlying economic pressures.

Objective2:"Explain the impact of combination between molecular genomic science and pharmaceutical innovation toward
"personalized medicine.""

Objective3: Understand what the bio-oncology transformation and market changes over the next three to five years will be.

Streaming Audio with
PowerPoint Slides
(Code: 1542)
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