Session Information
2008 BIO International Convention
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Innovative Business Models to Balance Developed World Revenues With Developing World Access
Track : Global Health
Program Code: 1032
Date: Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Time: 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM  EST
Location: 29A
Janet Hemingway, PhD, Director , Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Elizabeth Bailey, Partner , Commons Capital
James Geraghty, Esq, SVP, International Development , Genzyme Corporation
Una Ryan, PhD, President & CEO , AVANT Immunotherapeutics, Inc
"Many disease areas have high incidence and great unmet medical needs in developing countries. From a company's perspective, there is a balance to be struck between developing a drug to help alleviate the disease burden in these countries and return on investment to ensure the business can survive. This session will look at the business models that have been developed to help companies develop products for these markets, such as risk-sharing with charitable organizations and multiple market strategies, as with travel vaccines."

Objective1:Explore methods of sustainably developing drugs for rare and neglected diseases.

Objective2:Encourage companies to work in these areas.

Objective3:Promote partnership between industry, institutions and the charitable sector.

Streaming Audio with
PowerPoint Slides
(Code: 1032)
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