Session Information
2009 BIO International Convention
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Public-Private Partnerships in Agricultural Biotechnology: Going Beyond Development Impact
Track : Food and Agriculture
Program Code: 2987
Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Time: 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM  EST
Location: B310
Saharah Moon Chapotin, PhD, US Agency For International Development
Daniel Mataruka, PhD, Executive Director, African Agricultural Technology Foundation
Roger Salameh, Vice-President of Business Development – Agriculture, Arcadia Biosciences, Inc
Stephen Smith, PhD, Research Fellow-Germplasm Security, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc
Elizabeth Vancil, Head, Technology Transfer Team, Monsanto Company
This session will focus on how to structure public-private partnerships(PPPs) in agricultural biotechnology so as to maximize their development impact and technology adoption while also increasing the likelihood that private partners will want to participate. The session will feature several successful PPPs that are developing biotech crops for resource-poor farmers and will highlight how all partners, public and private, benefit from engaging in these projects. The session will cover topics such as market segmentation, intellectual property issues and regulatory developments that impact the success of PPPs.

• Create a better understanding of what is involved in establishing successful PPPs in agricultural biotechnology
• Facilitate connections and promote linkages between potential private and public partners
• Help the private sector appreciate the range of potential opportunities arising from such partnerships

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(Code: 2987)
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