Session Information
2009 BIO International Convention
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Improving Chronic Disease Management through the Convergence of Informatics and Research in Prevention/Epidemiology, Clinical Trials, and Clinical Car
Track : Clinical Research/Clinical Trials
Program Code: 3902
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Time: 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM  EST
Location: B405
Steven Meltzer, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP
Donna Perdue, Ph.D., J.D., Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman,LLP
Raj Shah, President & CEO, CTIS Inc.
John Speakman, Associate Director of Clinical Products & Programs, NCI CBIIT
Sonia Suchday, PhD, Yeshiva University
Alan Zuckerman, MD, Georgetown University
Public health (prevention, surveillance, epidemiology), health research (drug, therapy and devices) and health care (treatment and intervention) for chronic disease management traditionally work in stove pipe/silo organizations and mechanisms. For a typical patient, utilization of EHR/PHR and other informatics applications delivers better outcomes by the converging all three areas of public health with a common and continuous research framework. Finding that a patient has a predisposition for a type of chronic disease, or catching that disease in its pre-systematic phase rather than after the onset of disease provides that patient with a much better outcome; and conducting research across all stages provides the platform for cost effective delivery and better disease management. Informatics facilitates the convergence of such integrated research with higher performance and better ROI.

• To integrate the research process to cover all stages of chronic disease development, ranging from the predisposition stage, to the onset of disease, and finally post-disease
• To develop a treatment regimen and protocol that utilizes medicine, life style change, behavior modification, diet, exercise, and stress management; while also cutting across the full patient life cycle
• To utilize informatics that provide information sharing through interoperable and scalable applications that encourages better collaboration between patients, researchers, and healthcare providers; while also delivering better disease management at a higher ROI

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