Session Information
CAS Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar (CLRS) 2009
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Commercial Lines - A Potpourri of Reserving Issues
Track : CLRS Concurrent Sessions
Program Code: LOB-3
Gail Ross, Principal, Milliman, Inc
Gail Ross, Principal, Milliman, Inc
Kim Piersol, Consulting Actuary, Huggins Actuarial Services, Inc
Thomas Ryan, Consulting Actuary, Milliman, Inc
This interesting and informative session is designed to cover a variety of reserving topics for Commercial Lines of Business that are not necessarily part of the actuary’s every day “bag of tricks”. First, we’ll focus in on approaches to reserving for “non-traditional exposures” such as construction defect and mass tort exposures. Next, we’ll show how to use the Cape Cod and the Backward Recursive methods – two very useful projection techniques but ones that you may have heard of but never knew how (or when) to use. Finally, we’ll discuss ways of reflecting the impact of the insurance cycle in reserving and techniques used to allocate IBNR to sub-groups.

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