DIA 48th Annual Meeting
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The Cross-over Between Direct-to-patient Studies, Social Media, and EDC
Track : Track 07: Processes and Technologies for Clinical Research
Program Code: 408
Date: Thursday, June 28, 2012
Time: 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM  EST
 Valdo Arnera, PHT Corporation, Switzerland
 Ben Heywood, PatientsLikeMe Inc., United States
 Douglas Bain, eClinicalHealth Limited, United Kingdom
The traditional boundaries between ePRO, Electronic Data Capture (EDC) and community health information sharing are blurring as community principles of social media and direct-to-patient studies emerge. This session examines how Patient Data Capture (PDC) has evolved in recent years, and how this will impact the evolution of data acquisition in clinical trials.

Learning Objectives:
Discuss the current state of social media in clinical R&D
Discuss the value of ePro over paper PRO from regulatory, business, and quality perspectives
Describe the values and challenges of adapting between patient- and site-based data capture Discuss the potential role of social health care in clinical trials.