Session Information
2008 Annual World EAP Conference
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Efficiency and Effectiveness in Lifestyle Coaching: New Theory, Practice, Research
Track : Domain III
Program Code: 090
Date: Thursday, October 16, 2008
Time: 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM  EST
Location: Grand Salon E
Steven Cole, Professor of Psychiatry, Stony Brook University Medical Center
This workshop describes an innovative evidence-based coaching model integrating self-management support (SMS), stage of change theory, and motivational interviewing (MI). Ultra-brief personal action planning (UB-PAP), an original element, will be demonstrated and practiced. Pilot research, presented in Interlaken Switzerland, demonstrated that lifestyle scores of employees offered this new coaching approach demonstrated a 16% improvement (p=.013), while the scores of a comparison employee group did not improve significantly. The session will review the similarities and differences between formal MI and SMS, (as most commonly utilized), and present for the first time, a model for their seamless theoretical and practical integration.

• describe the similarities and differences between self-management support and motivational interviewing;
• describe the key conceptual elements integrating self-maangement support interventions with motivational interviewing;<
• use the three question structure of ultra-brief personal action planning to help motivate another person to make lifestyle modification plans.

No items are available for this session.