Session Information
SOA - Product Development Symposium
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Opening General Session: Demographics, Economics, and the Future of the Insurance Industry
Track : Monday, May 5
Program Code: 030
Date: Monday, May 5, 2008
Time: 8:45 AM to 10:00 AM  EST
Location: Salon E
Richard Hokenson, Hokenson& Company
Life insurance and annuity product performance are intimately tied to items like mortality, longevity, inflation and interest rates. However, despite how much the product development process relies on these and other inputs, actuaries are rarely asked to ponder the interplay of economics and demography.

In this session attendees will learn from one of the leading economic demographers how demographics will affect interest rates, inflation and the US dollar, the economic effect of shrinking/growing populations, how immigration will impact the future of the US economy, and the fallout from the wealth spend-down of the baby boomers.

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