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Please enter your e-mail address below and click the "Send E-mail" button to receive a test e-mail.


If you do not receive a test e-mail at the address you entered within a reasonable period of time, take the following steps, in this order:

  1. Modify the spam/junk mail filter settings on the e-mail client program on your computer to recognize and as trusted addresses. Then retry the test at this same e-mail address.
  2. If the above step does not result in a successful test, ask the administrator of your institution's e-mail server to change the network spam/junk mail filter settings to recognize and as trusted addresses for your account. Then retry the test at this same e-mail address.
  3. If both of the above tests do not result I a successful test, you will have to use a different e-mail address as the primary address on your poster submission account. Retry the test using a private e-mail address on one of the commercial systems system such as America Online, Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.