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Modeling Banner Advancement for Data Warehousing and BI (2977)
Track: Advancement
Program Code: 2977
LEAD PRESENTER / PANEL ORGANIZER / BOF LEADER :   Click the plus sign to see more detailed information about each speaker.
 Jang Kwon, Senior Supervisor, Admin Systems, Concordia University (Montreal, Canada)
The data within Banner Advancement is of much value to high-level administrators and key decision-makers of an institution. A key problem experienced by most is to be able to access this data and get results in a timely manner. The advent of data warehousing and business intelligence tools now allow this kind of access to the desired data through an intuitive and user-friendly interface. However, to make this functionality possible, the tables that encompass Banner Advancement need to be modeled in a new way. This session will present a basic methodology in planning and constructing a database model tailored for high-level reporting needs that can then be used with the data warehousing or business intelligence tool of an institution's choice.

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(Code: 2977)
Virtual Attendee:$10 USD
Authorized NON-Attendee:$25 USD
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Handout Online
(Code: 2977)
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