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Building Accountability and Assessment into Grants (3925)
Track: Technology & Planning Services
Program Code: 3925
Dona Alpert, Senior Research Consultant, SunGard Higher Education
Once your grant writing team has determined that a request for proposals (RFP) suits the goals and mission of your college - how do you design the required assessment and evaluation to meet proposal requirements? Written well, you know that the project meets institutional goals and objectives that provide a clear reason why your college has the best answer to the needs stated. But how do you provide evaluative data that make sense and match the expectations of the funding source while building on the college's institutional effectiveness?

Assessment methods can be indirect, using criteria that assuming student strategies for success in learning have taken place, or they can be direct, by using criteria that measure student learning directly. From surveys to research projects, this session will leave you with several opportunities to meet the challenges of grant success and the best measures that meet the new benchmarks.

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(Code: 3925)
Virtual Attendee:$10 USD
Authorized NON-Attendee:$25 USD
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(Code: 3925)
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