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Applying Portal Metrics - A Case Study at University of Oklahoma (5082)
Track: Portal, Communication, Process & Information Management
Program Code: 5082
Stephen Howell, Princpal Process Consultant, SunGard Higher Education
Lindsey Johnson, Portal Project Manager, The University of Oklahoma
Eric James, Portal Developer, University of Oklahoma
The University of Oklahoma (OU) has implemented usage tracking software inside of Luminis IV that measures each student's digital participation in the portal. The participation that is currently measured includes logins, link clicks, and tab loads.

The data is used to provide descriptive information about how the portal is being used in the aggregate as well as breaking down how different demographic groups use the portal when analyzed along with demographic data points from Banner. OU is using this information as feedback on the effectiveness of current portal components as well as new development efforts.

This session will be used to discuss OU's purpose in implementing the tracking software, discussion of analytical tools and methodology, current findings, and future directions of analysis and application.

The audience that would most likely find this session informative would be conference participants that have an interest in the efficiency and effectiveness of an institution's portal communication efforts. This could include information providers such as participants from the Admissions, Financial Aid, and Bursar's Office as well as IT managers.

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(Code: 5082)
Virtual Attendee:$10 USD
Authorized NON-Attendee:$25 USD
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(Code: 5082)
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