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Employee Self-Service Pay Stub (BOF) (7388)
Track: Human Resources
Program Code: 7388
Deborah Elias-Smith, VP, Community Source Initiative, SunGard Higher Education
Carol Powers, Associate Director of HR for Information Services, University System of New Hampshire
Pay stubs! Sooner or later, most schools tackle the issue of providing employees with a custom view of their pay stubs. It's important .. it's personal .. and it's a great communication vehicle. To date, four institutions have submitted their Employee Self Service (ESS) pay stubs to HR Community Source, but each are so unique that it has been impossible to come up with one, homogenized version that will suit all needs.

But that's about to change!! The Ohio Banner User Group (OBUG) has development resources that are available to work on an ESS enhancement to the baseline functionality for the pay stub. To be successful, we need broad customer input and are starting this process with this BOF at Summit. After Summit, we will schedule a series of webinars to continue the process. Join in the process - help us ensure the final product will meet your needs!

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