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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday Essentials

10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Essentials of Gifted Education: Designing and Delivering Excellent Programs for High-Ability Learners
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
010: W1. Program Models and Program Design in Gifted Education
020: W2. Designing and Choosing Effective Curriculum for Gifted Learners: Key Considerations
030: W3. Creating Classroom Environments to Foster Social and Emotional Development
040: W4. Best Practices in Identification and Assessment
050: W5. Middle Grades Essentials for the 21st Century
060: W6. Instructional Strategies for Differentiation within the Classroom
070: W7. Implications and Uses of the Pre-K-12 Gifted Programming Standards to Identify Gifted Students from Special Populations
080: W8. Understanding and Addressing the Needs of Young Gifted Children
090: W9. Developing a Philosophy of Gifted Education for the 21st Century
4:15 PM to 6:00 PM
Leadership and Life Lessons from the Field

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday Expert Perspectives

8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
State of the Nation in Gifted Education
9:15 AM to 11:00 AM
T2. Digital Storytelling: Narratives for the 21st Century
100: T1. Thinking in the Future Tense: Creating Positive Futures for Gifted Students
110: T3. Using Technology to Differentiate Learning
120: T4. Extreme Classroom Makeover: The 21st Century Primary Classroom for Gifted Students
130: T5. Invest in America's Future: Maximize the Challenge for Elementary STEM Students
140: T7. Maximizing Outcomes for Twice-Exceptional Children: What Educators Need to Understand and Be Able To Do
150: T8. Developing Leaders for Today's World: Service-Learning for Gifted Students
160: T9. At the Corner of Creativity and Affective Needs
170: T10. Response to Intervention: A Leadership Framework for Identifying Potential
180: T11. Harnessing the Power of Technology to Increase the Potential of Curriculum and Instruction
12:30 PM to 2:15 PM
T18. Get a Life! Differentiation with Biography
190: T12. Response to Intervention, Gifted Education, and Twice-Exceptional Students
200: T13. Tools and Strategies for Promoting 21st Century Literacy for Young Gifted Students
210: T14. I Always Knew I Was Smart. What Took Y'all So Long? Our Response to that Question Two Decades Later
220: T15. Educators and Parents as "Counselors": Skills for Meeting Gifted Kids Where They Are
230: T16. Instructional Programming for Special Populations of Gifted Students: Preparing Them for the 21st Century
240: T17. Beyond the Core: Infusing Critical and Creative Thinking into the Curriculum
250: T19. Implementing the Schoolwide Enrichment Model in Your School or District
260: T20. Tech THAT: Gifted Children Online
270: T21. Invest in America's Future: Maximize the Challenge for Middle and Secondary STEM Students

Friday, November 4, 2011

Research and Evaluation

7:30 AM to 8:00 AM
2- Test Speededness - An overlooked threat to reliability and validity

Conceptual Foundations

2-Reframing Gifted Advocacy

Curriculum Studies

370: Empowering Gifted Students as Agents of Change

Research and Evaluation

7:30 AM to 8:30 AM
24.2 Profiles of Mathematics Giftedness: An Examination of Content Mastery, Metacognition, and Accelerated Course Success

Creativity Division

Alternative pathways to talent development A Collaborative Study with an eminent singer/songwriter from the Philippines
10.1 Wisdom and Creative Perception

Professional Development

Creating Community and Engagement in Professional Development
20.4 Changing Mindsets: Teaching How to Cultivate Intelligence Through an Online Book Study

Computers and Technology

Developing your Personalized, Professional Learning Network (P2LN) through Technology
4.4 Learn to Diigo: Teachers as Researchers and Collaborators

Special Populations

I Do Belong Here: Increasing Minority Student Retention and Success in AP Courses

Special Schools/Programs

30.2 Teaching social skills, anger management, and problem solving techniques

Middle Grades

Academic success as an ethnic identity among middle school gifted Korean American students

Conceptual Foundations

The Roles and Functions of Friendships Among the Gifted and Talented

Special Schools/Programs

31.3 Still just regular teens : The lived experiences of eight early-entrance college students

Professional Development

Using Peer Coaching as a Form of Professional Development: The Catalyst for Change


19.4 Advancing Support for Gifted Education in Your Community

Creativity Division

Future Problem Solving programs and Creativity: An initial report of a longitudinal study

Computers and Technology

Entering the Ecosystem: The Thoughtful Integration of iPad Apps into Your Gifted Classroom

Curriculum Studies

12.3 Utilizing Shared Inquiry to improve Academic and Social Progress

Professional Development

23.1 Principals as Stakeholders

Special Populations

Successful Transition and Integration of Underrepresented Populations into a Gifted Learning Environment: One School's Approach

Curriculum Studies

14.3 Perspective-taking: Exploring students choices of cognitive moves during disagreements among friends

Middle Grades

A Legacy of Letters: Using Primary Sources for Classical Mentorship


36.2 Managing Math Contests in the Regular Classroom

Conceptual Foundations

Reading Virgil Ward: Re-examing Principles of Differentiation

Special Populations

27.4 Helping Gifted Minorities Enhance Creative Abilities through Exposure to Different Cultures

Computers and Technology

Patterns of Technology Use Among Gifted Students: Implications for M-Learning

Conceptual Foundations

6.4 Uniqueness and Purpose in Gifted Education and Beyond

Research and Evaluation

26.3 A Pilot Study of Total School Cluster Grouping in Urban Schools

Middle Grades

Preassessment: The Linchpin of Defensible Differentiation

Special Schools/Programs

34.1 Discover GEMS and Go beyond the books - connecting 21st century skills for the Gifted
Chart(er)ing a Course to the Future: The Palmetto Scholars Academy

Conceptual Foundations

Epistemological and Disciplinary Considerations in Acceleration: History as an Example
"Everything Old is New Again": The Historical Dimensions of Differentiation

Counseling and Guidance

8.1 Phenomenological Exploration of Middle School Gifted Students


1.1 The Art Ambush

Signature Series

Getting Involved: Leadership Development in NAGC

Computers and Technology

290: Using Technology to Enhance and Differentiate Student Projects
300: From Overwhelmed to Organized: Technology as a Friend vs. Foe

Counseling and Guidance

340: Setting Motivation Traps with the Autonomous Learner Model for Underachieving Gifted Students in Grades 6-12

Creativity Division

350: Creativity21 and Beyond!
360: Domain Specificity of Creativity: Dispositional and Environmental Differences Among Scientists, Humanists, and Artists

Curriculum Studies

380: Preparing For Tomorrow: Making Students Ready for the 21st Century & Beyond
390: Poetry and Giftedness

Middle Grades

400: O'Henry! Teaching Gifted Adolescents How to Write Using Classic Short Stories
410: Assessing Adolescent Learning in the 21st Century
420: Middle School GPS: Helping Gifted Students Navigate Adolescence
430: 17.1 Bibliotherapy:Gifted Middle School Students Developing Understanding of Individual Characteristics


440: Technology and 21st Century Parenting

Signature Series

450: Are Response to Intervention and Gifted Education Compatible: A dialogue in 4 parts?
460: Calling All Administrator Advocates for the Gifted

Special Schools/Programs

470: It Takes a Village to Help Twice Exceptional Children Thrive in School


480: Crashing Through the Glass Ceiling of Middle School Math

Conceptual Foundations

8:00 AM to 8:30 AM
2-Nurturing the Gifted and Talented: The Hanoi Tower Model of Excellence

Research and Evaluation

2-Predictors of attitudes toward gifted programs: Support vs. Perceptions of elitism among pre-service teachers

Curriculum Studies

9-Design Thinking for Gifted Students


8:45 AM to 10:15 AM
Separating the Wheat from the Chaff: What Really Constitutes Differentiation for Gifted Learners?
Critical Questions in Talent Development: Answered through 40 Years of Longitudinal Research by Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth (SMPY)
500: Stereotypes and the Nature and Nurture of Intelligence

Conceptual Foundations

10:30 AM to 11:00 AM
7-Frenemies: The Fit Between Gifted Education and Special Education

Research and Evaluation

4-Combining scores in multiple criteria assessment: A psychometric investigation

Conceptual Foundations

Surviving the deluge: Trying to understand the characteristics individuals who are gifted and talented


660: 3-Building Elementary Teachers' Capacity to Teach STEM Content through Problem-based Curricula

Counseling and Guidance

10:30 AM to 11:30 AM
The Gifted Child's Guide to Making True Friends

Middle Grades

17.2 Diffusin', Oozin' and Schmoozin' - A Differentiated Approach to Microscopy

Research and Evaluation

24.3 Acceleration Policies & Possibilities in Canada

Conceptual Foundations

6.3 How do preservice teachers conceptualize giftedness? A metaphor analysis

Special Schools/Programs

30.1 Gifted Science Students' Interpersonal Abilities and Their Home Environment: Comparisons Between Korean and American Students

Professional Development

Whats the Plan? Designing a Teacher Support System for Developing Model Lessons for Gifted Learners

Research and Evaluation

A National Study of the Perceptions & Attitudes of High School Principals Toward Gifted Education

Computers and Technology

Keeping Up With Digital Natives!

Special Schools/Programs

31.4 Conventional Resources; Unconventional Results


19.3 Parenting the Gifted

Creativity Division

Creativity x 3

Curriculum Studies

12.1 I think; therefore, I question: Developing purposeful, engaging questioning strategies

Special Populations

Promise fulfilled or promises broken? Exceptionally Gifted Children grown up.

Counseling and Guidance

Minority student attitudes toward AP Courses: Preliminary findings from the AP Challenge Program

Conceptual Foundations

The Asynchronous Cheetah: Integrating Metaphor and Definition for Practical Use in the 21st Century

Curriculum Studies

A Defense of Formal Language Study for Gifted Children

Signature Series

Best Practices in Using Standardized Tests to Identify Talent among Low Income and ELL Children

Global Awareness

The Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality

Special Populations

Proficiency Views of Native Speakers of Spanish: Identifying, Challenging, and Diversifying with AP and IB


36.1 Teaching Computer Science to Gifted Middle School Students with Scratch

Early Childhood

Advancing Potential in Information Literacy and Critical Thinking Skills: 21st Century Skills for Conducting Research

Global Awareness

16.1 The Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM) Type II Skills: Multicultural Awareness and Creativity Development

Professional Development

22.4 Parents and Professionals Working Together in a Professional Development Model: Theory, Practice and Innovation

Computers and Technology

Bridging the Digital Divide: How to Encourage High-Ability Girls to Pursue Advanced Coursework in Technology

Special Schools/Programs

The Da Vinci Academy: A Twenty-First Century One-Room Schoolhouse

Special Populations

Using Academics to Enhance Social Skills Among Twice-Exceptional Learners

Research and Evaluation

26.2 The Relationship between Differentiated Instruction and Teacher Control in Gifted Clustered Classrooms


1.2 Lets Dance to All that Jazz! Developing Artistic and Social Intelligence with Partner Dancing

Curriculum Studies

14.2 Conceptions of Giftedness: Examining Varying Theories and Their Application to Evidence-Based, Differentiated Instruction

Special Populations

29.4 Where do I fit in? : Struggle of African American Males in Gifted Education Programs

Creativity Division

Give 'em a Break: The Role of Recess in 21st Century Classrooms

Middle Grades

Self-Advocacy: Preparing Gifted Students to be Partners in their Own Education

Special Schools/Programs

33.4 Jazz Up Your Enrichment Program: Easy Steps for Enrichment Cluster Implementation

Conceptual Foundations

1060: Using Policy Definitions to Improve Gifted Education
540: Answering the 'Why' and 'How' of Integrating Gifted Programming and Response to Intervention (RTI)
550: Advancing Potential Through Inventive Thinking: Focusing on 21st Century Skills
560: Gifted friendships: Perceived versus actual numbers of friends
570: This isnt Your Grandmothers Classroom: Expanding the Theory of Developmental Differentiation for 21st Century Citizens

Counseling and Guidance

580: 9.2 Research into Cyberbullying and High Achieving Students

Creativity Division

590: Partners in innovation: Creative and spatial abilities
600: Gifted Authors and Artists Come Alive: The 2011 Torrance Legacy Awards

Curriculum Studies

610: Making Problem-Based Learning Happen
620: Learning Styles: What We Know, Don't Know, and Need to Know
630: Differentiated Instruction VERSUS Differentiated Curriculum

Middle Grades

640: Building Resilience in Girls During the Middle Grades

Research and Evaluation

650: Serving the Gifted: A National Survey of School Psychologists


11:00 AM to 11:30 AM
3-Spanky, the Three-Toed Slothematician: Exploring the Common Core Math Standards Through Characters in Children's Literature

Research and Evaluation

4-Normalizing Data for Gifted Identification

Conceptual Foundations

7-Policy Perspectives on Gifted Identification
680: 8-Recognizing and Developing Potential

Research and Evaluation

11:45 AM to 12:00 PM
7- How Well Do Teachers and Parents Understand Underachieving Students' Motivation Beliefs?

Global Awareness

11:45 AM to 12:30 PM
Service Learning: An Experiential Instructional Strategy that Teaches More than Standards

Middle Grades

Are We Teaching Our Best Writers to Write Like Beginners?


Science Olympiad is STEMtastic!

Conceptual Foundations

Defining the Gifted Self: Improvisational Performance as a Way of Life


A Delicate Balance: Can Parent Advocacy Work Without Opposition

Research and Evaluation

Writing The Lit Review and Discussion in an Empirical Journal Article

Curriculum Studies

Curiosity, Creativity, and Risk-Taking: Can You Dig It?

Global Awareness

SLURPY Saving Lives Using Rocks to Purify Your water

Special Schools/Programs

Bridges Academy for Twice Exceptional Students:Programming for Success

Counseling and Guidance

The Value of the Cohort Supporting Students in Early Admittance to College Programs


Artistic Ways of Knowing: Arts Talent Identification

Curriculum Studies

Team Teaching - Rethinking the role of the gifted specialist

Early Childhood

Compost: The Rot Thing for Our Earth
Bright, Young, and At Risk
Primary Thinking Skills for Advancing Potential ... and A Lot More Jazz!

Global Awareness

G.A.U.G.E. Global Awareness Utilizing Global Experiences through Service!

Computers and Technology

Heat Up Reflection With Technology! Engaging Students in Differentiated Reflection Through HOTS and Web 2.0

Middle Grades

Beyond Numbers: Creating Defensible and Differentiated Mathematics Curriculum and Instruction for Gifted Learners

Early Childhood

Why Play?


Improving the Blank Page: From Inspiration to Revision in Creative Writing

Special Populations

Up a Creek Without a Paddle? 2-E Survival Strategies for Stressed-out Parents, Teachers, & Students

Counseling and Guidance

New Rules for Gifted Girls: Lessons from NSF Gender Equity Projects

Computers and Technology

690: Students as Researchers:Creating a Digital Archive

Curriculum Studies

720: A Community Collaborates: Uniting Students, Teachers, and Community Leaders in Project Based Learning
730: Advancing Potential Through the Use of the Parallel Curriculum Model
740: Inspiring Students to Become 21st Century Independent Problem Seekers

Early Childhood

750: Build it and they will come: Creating a Program for Primary Gifted Learners
760: Twice-Exceptional Children: Knowing When and How to Intervene Effectively in Early Childhood

Middle Grades

770: STEM in the Middle Grades

Professional Development

790: Advancing Potential for Teaching Reading to Gifted Learners

Special Populations

800: Developing Leadership in Special Populations in Middle School

Middle Grades

11:45 AM to 12:39 PM
780: What REALLY Works in the Middle?

Research and Evaluation

12:00 PM to 12:30 PM
7- Achievement Goal Orientations and Teacher-Rated Engagement in Gifted Elementary School Students

Computers and Technology

12:45 PM to 1:30 PM
Research on technology use in gifted education - What should teachers know ?


All The World's A Stage! Incorporating Theatre Arts Into Your K-5 ELA Classroom!


Exploring Shapes through Games: Geometry for Talented Primary Students

Curriculum Studies

Integrating Math and Literature for Gifted Middle Grade Learners

Special Schools/Programs

Introducing and Exploring the Davidson Academy of Nevada: A Public School for Profoundly Gifted Pupils

Professional Development

Engaging the Insatiable Mind with Inquiry: Matching the Gifted Learner with Depth, Complexity and Choice:

Global Awareness

The Other 3 R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Early Childhood

Addressing different skill levels and learning types by creating learning centers

Special Populations

Building Black Gifted Students' Self-Esteem & Cultural Legacy through Culturally Relevant Materials

Curriculum Studies

Stations for High School Gifted Students: Engage, Inform, and Differentiate in a 21st Century Classroom

Computers and Technology

Using Skype in the Gifted Classroom
Student Created Movies: Advancing Potential and Passions with MovieMaker and iMovie

Global Awareness

Investigating, Informing and Introducing the Stonewall Award Books: Meeting A Global Need

Curriculum Studies

Nil Novi Sub Sole: An Old Language for a New World

Global Awareness

Empowering Gifted Students to Help Change the World Through Global Awareness and Understanding

Curriculum Studies

Missing in Context: The Hole in Vocabulary Curricula


Strategies for Teaching and Assessing Conceptual Understanding in Science

Creativity Division

Teachers Jazz Up Creativity in Their Classrooms

Special Populations

Engineering Design for Elementary Students

Early Childhood

The Teacher as the Creative Thinker- Critical Decisions in Early Childhood Classrooms!

Special Schools/Programs

Ethics for 21st Century Leadership: Preparing Gifted Students through the Global Learning Program
Developing Gifted Services to Address the Whole Child: Lessons from a Rural School District

Conceptual Foundations

A Conceptual Model for Optimal Development of Gifted Students


1360: A 24/7 Problem: An Introduction to Cyberbullying

Computers and Technology

810: How and Why to Use Social Networks in Your Classroom

Conceptual Foundations

820: Response to Intervention and Advancing Potential: Promising Practice

Curriculum Studies

830: RTI with Differentiated Instruction for the Gifted Learner
840: The Parallel of Practice: Designing Real World Learning Opportunities to Enhance 21st Century Skills

Early Childhood

850: Rethinking Early Childhood Education: Preparing the Young and Gifted for the 21st Century
860: Engaging Explorations for Young Gifted Children

Middle Grades

870: Science in Action: Gifted Education and Service-Learning Share Success in Middle School


890: Three Challenges in Science: Why We Dont Know What We Think We Know

Research and Evaluation

1:45 PM to 2:15 PM
5-Korean Middle School Students Spatial Ability: Investigation of Its Relationship with Mathematics and Science Talent

Creativity Division

1:45 PM to 2:45 PM
9.3 Students Perception of Classroom Climate for Creativity and Self-Concept

Research and Evaluation


Middle Grades

Explicit Programming for Gifted and Talented Culturally Diverse Learners: The Middle School NonVerbal Honors Core

Creativity Division

Adaptation, Culture, and Creativity

Professional Development

Creating Learning States of MInd

Computers and Technology

Improving 21st Century Information Fluency Skills

Research and Evaluation

Comparing Skills and Competencies for Artistically Gifted High School, Undergraduate, and Graduate Alumni

Creativity Division

Making Creative Assessment an Effective and Exciting Tool in the Middle School Classroom

Special Populations

Emancipate Asian American students from stereotypes and misunderstandings

Counseling and Guidance

A Gift or Curse: The Challenges of Gifted Black Males


Middle Grades Mathematics: Plateau, Peak or Passion


19.2 Keeping Gifted Education Alive: Parents as Advocates

Curriculum Studies

12.2 Vibrant Vocabulary

Professional Development

21.1 Boosting the Cognitive Complexity of Instructional Tasks and Assessments


35.4 Solving the Equation: Fostering Mathematics Talent among Diverse Populations

Professional Development

Demystifying Understanding by Design and Differentiated Instruction: Providing Thoughtful and Comprehensive Professional Development
Changes in Teachers' Attitudes Toward Teaching Twice Exceptional Learners Through Focused Professional Development

Counseling and Guidance

Supporting the Social and Emotional Development of Twice Exceptional Males

Conceptual Foundations

6.2 A Historical Perspective of a 33-Year Program for Gifted and Talented Students

Special Populations

Gifted on the Autism Spectrum
28.1 Gifted Students with Emotional Disabilities: The Neglected Population of Twice-Exceptional Students

Curriculum Studies

What's the Big Idea? Using Books to Cultivate Talented Readers and Thinkers Across the Curriculum


3.2 Translating Prose for the Stage

Special Schools/Programs

33.3 The Identification and Placement of Gifted Students in Korea: In Case of SNUE

Professional Development

22.3 From Audit to Awesome: A Framework for Developing Quality Programs in NC

Curriculum Studies

The Bridge Curriculum: A Readiness Curriculum for Gifted Students of Diversity


Unfolding Wings: The Role of the Arts in Growing Up Gifted (Part 2)

Global Awareness

16.2 Public Art As Service Learning

Research and Evaluation

The Role of Teacher Mathematical Content Knowledge in Developing Talented Math Students

Middle Grades

17.3 Strategies to Motivate and Extend Gifted Language Arts Middle School Students


1.3 A Comprehensive Arts Program

Computers and Technology

Developing Visual Thinking with Information Graphics

Special Populations

29.3 The Malleable Mind, the Gifted Learner: Reducing stereotype threat through experimental interventions

Creativity Division

10.2 Impact of Creative Strategies on a Non-native Teachers Identity Constructed by Interaction with Gifted Students

Curriculum Studies

14.1 Engaging Gifted Students in Exploring the Big Ideas of History: Thinking like a Historian

Counseling and Guidance

All in The Family: The Family System in Counseling the Gifted

Signature Series

Stereotyped Threat and Identification of Gifted Students of Color: A Conversation with Dr. Joshua Aronson
1000: Advocacy 101: Tips to Keep Gifted Education Alive in Your State and District
1010: Finding Funding for Gifted Programs and Services
1020: The Revised NAGC P-12 Gifted Programming Standards: The Foundation for Quality Gifted Education Services

Special Populations

1030: Stuck in the Middle


1040: Raising the Bar: Challenging Math-Talented Students

Computers and Technology

900: Teaching Technology through Interest Projects

Conceptual Foundations

910: Intelligences Outside the Normal Curve: Creating Social Capital Leadership Potential In Young People
920: NAGC's Programming Standards: A Guiding Light to Educational Excellence for Gifted Students in Georgia

Counseling and Guidance

930: Judging By Performance: A Different View of Mindset and The Improvement of Gifted Self Experience

Middle Grades

940: Building strong writers in the middle school: The top twelve lessons you will ever need
950: Educational Initiatives, Curriculum and Gifted Middle School Students

Professional Development

960: Javits Project Version THREE: The Utah High Ability Student Initiative Project!
970: Going to graduate school in gifted education: Choosing a program, surviving, and succeeding

Research and Evaluation

980: Elementary Teacher Perceptions and Concerns About Science Teaching and Learning
990: 26.1 Myths at Work: Exploring Teachers Perceptions of the Construct of a Child Who is Gifted
2:15 PM to 2:45 PM
5-The Identification of Gifted Children in Science and Mathematics: Outcomes from Three Contexts in India

Computers and Technology

4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Kicking It Up a Notch: Using Online Research Modules in the 21st Century Gifted Classroom


3.1 Soul Behind the Skill, HeART behind the Technique: Experiences of Flow among Talented Singaporean Teenagers

Computers and Technology

Maximum Impact: Using Webinars Effectively

Research and Evaluation

Causal Research in Gifted and Talented Education: Regression Discontinuity Design

Creativity Division

Creativity for 21st Century Skills: How to Embed Creativity Into the Curriculum

Curriculum Studies

Making it Matter: Using Transformational Play to Engage Learners

Professional Development

22.2 Response to Instruction (RtI): Helping Classroom Teachers Meet the Needs of Gifted Children


34.2 Identifying Tomorrows Math Superstars -- Testing Math Creativity -- 8 to 12 year olds

Research and Evaluation

25.1 Parental Satisfaction with a Gifted Education Program


1.4 Approaching Diversity Through Drama

Research and Evaluation

Effect of teacher characteristics on student outcomes in two reading curricular units for gifted students


Future Engineers, Mathematicians, and Scientists: Nurturing Children with Spatial Strengths

Special Schools/Programs

32.2 Connecting Rural Schools for AP Achievement

Curriculum Studies



19.1 Does Tiger Mom's Effect Exist? Patterns of Parental Authority among Gifted Asian and Caucasian Students

Curriculum Studies

11.4 Current Issues related to the Schoolwide Enrichment Model

Conceptual Foundations

6.1 How Much Is A GT Student Worth?

Counseling and Guidance

More than Thinking: Underachievements Social and Emotional Underpinnings


Using Dynamic Geometry Software to Discover Key Math Concepts

Creativity Division

11.1 Creativity Through Technology In Language Arts Curriculum

Special Populations

28.2 Growing Up with Gifts and Learning Disabilities
2.3 Every Day, Every Child, High Expectations

Creativity Division

10.3 Nuturing Creativity in Young Children

Research and Evaluation

25.4 Formative Assessment: Teacher Perceptions and Practices

Special Schools/Programs

Homeschooling: A unique option and opportunity for Gifted and Talented Students

Counseling and Guidance

Greasy Hair and Pocket Protectors: Profiling Early College Students

Computers and Technology

Playing with the future: developing gifts through computer game creation
5.2 An international perspective on what we know about new technology integration with differentiated instruction
The Instructional Design Process of Creating Effective and Engaging Online Learning Modules

Middle Grades

17.4 A Picture Paints A Thousand Words AND Can Add Creativity to the School Experience!

Special Schools/Programs

33.2 How does Super Summer serve gifted students under the framework of My Class Activities?


Engaging the Imagination of K-5 Gifted Students Through The Arts

Middle Grades

Products Create 21st Century Learners

Conceptual Foundations

Changing mindsets: Gifted students and project-based inquiry

Special Populations

Gifted, Black, and Female: Blacked-Out, Whited-Out, and Cast Out

Curriculum Studies

13.4 Co-constructing curriculum for greater student engagement

Counseling and Guidance

All Gifties Go to Harvard....

Signature Series

Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth (SMPY): How 40 years of longitudinal research and theory development might shape educational policy and human capital initiatives

Professional Development

Gifted Education and a K-12 Commitment to Delivering Rigorous Educational Programming


2011 NAGC/Ball State Administrator Award

Computers and Technology

1050: The Digital Natives Are Restless: Web 2.0 Tools to the Rescue!

Counseling and Guidance

1070: Procrastination and High-Ability Learners: If Not Now, When?
1080: Building a Safety Net to Bridge towards 21st Century skills

Curriculum Studies

1090: Raising the Bar: English/Language Arts Standards and Gifted Education

Middle Grades

1100: Assessing Higher Order Thinking in 21st Century Middle School Classrooms

Professional Development

1110: Exploring Case Studies in Professional Development

Research and Evaluation

1120: Discoveries from the National Twice-Exceptional Needs Assessment

Signature Series

1130: Successful Strategies for Underserved Gifted Students

Special Populations

1140: RtI & Twice Exceptional: A Promising Fit


1150: Creative Thinking through Classroom Science
1160: Mathematical Modeling in the Elementary and Middle Grades

Saturday, November 5, 2011


7:30 AM to 8:00 AM
2011 Distinguished Scholar Award: Twenty-five Years of Research on the Psychology of Students with Gifts and Talents

Professional Development

1220: 2-Effective 21st Century Practices for Underserved Gifted Students

Research and Evaluation

7:30 AM to 8:30 AM
24.1 Building Thoughts and Ideas: Learning with LEGO Serious Play


Homeschool Families: A Starting Point

Research and Evaluation

Davidson Fellows: Case Studies in Science Talent Development

Early Childhood

15.3 Lion's Share of Learning: How Inquiry-Based Instruction Led First Grade Scientists to the National Zoo

Computers and Technology

4.3 Technology for Teachers and Parents to Enhance 21st Century Skills


34.3 Jump Rope Geometry

Middle Grades

The Survey Toolkit: Integrated Curriculum Research Survey Projects


2.1 Creative Writing in the 21st Century - Thinking about the Future

Computers and Technology

Baby, You Can Drive My C.A.R.S.: Differentiating Instruction with the Collaborative Active Reading Strategy

Special Schools/Programs

31.2 Radical acceleration: The academic and social effects of grade skipping and early college entrance

Special Populations

To find and to serve: Experiences identifying and serving talented students in a low-income school
28.3 Extracurricular Interests of Gifted Minority Students: Opportunities for Student Engagement and Development

Curriculum Studies

11.3 Get a G.R.I.P. On Differentiation By Utilizing Interest-Based Projects

Special Schools/Programs

Building an Academic Future on the Pedagogy of a Successful Arts Conservatory

Curriculum Studies

Using Tiered Centers to Differentiate Instruction in Geometry

Middle Grades

16.4 Use Debate: Challenge Your Gifted Middle School Learners By Researching, Writing, Collaborating and Thinking

Counseling and Guidance

Risky Business: Gifted Adolescents Respond

Curriculum Studies

12.4 Weaving a Vertically and Horizontally Aligned 21st Century Curriculum: Crafting the Warp and the Weft

Professional Development

From Candidate to Accomplished: A Gifted Educator's Guide through the National Board Process

Creativity Division

Not the Same Old Project AGAIN...Let's Add a Creative Flair and Design Something New

Curriculum Studies

Advancing Potential in Analyzing Non-fiction Books: Focus on the 21st Century Skill of Critical Thinking

Early Childhood

Universal Design for Learning: Meeting the Diverse Needs of Twice-Exceptional Early Childhood Students

Computers and Technology

5.3 Virtual Learning Environments and Gifted Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders


20.3 If Shes So Smart, Why Cant She? Looking Beyond the IQ Score

Special Populations

27.3 Promising Practices for Gifted ELLs and High-Potential Students from Low-Income Families

Creativity Division

8.3 What Neuroscience Says about the Creativity Process

Special Schools/Programs

32.3 Career Internships That Change Students' Lives--How to Start an Internship Program in Your District

Creativity Division

Creativity and focused attention: The yin and yang of our cognitive functioning

Early Childhood

Independent Study: 21st C. Skills for the Inquisitive Primary Mind

Special Populations

Systematic Child Find Strategies That Work - Increasing the Identification of Minority Gifted Students

Early Childhood

Building community through the lens of the socio-emotional needs of young gifted children in school

Research and Evaluation

Effects of Differentiated Reading Instruction on Middle School Student Achievement


Help! I Want to be Creative With my Children But I Don't Know How!

Middle Grades

Knowing Your Adolescent Reader: How An Instructional Model Affects The Emotional Lives Of Bright Students

Curriculum Studies

Portraits of Student Work Produced in an Elementary Mathematics Classroom Using Problem-Based Learning Curricula
Upgrading Grading in the Standards Era with Side Benefits for Gifted Students

Counseling and Guidance

7.4 High School Gifted: You Don't Have to Reinvent the Wheel

Special Populations

Help Build the NAGC Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual-Transgender-Questioning (GLBTQ) Special Interest Group!

Signature Series

Common Ground for Maximizing High Potential: Psychology, Neuroscience, and Education

Curriculum Studies

Hu(Mans): A Course of Study—A Legend Returns
1190: Assessing 21st Century Skills and Knowledge through Creative Products


1200: The Perfect Storm, When factors converge with bullying to cause tragedy for gifted preteen boys

Signature Series

1230: Common Core State Standards and Smarter Balanced Consortium: Implications for Gifted Education
1240: The 21st Century Learner: Implications for Gifted Education

Special Schools/Programs

1250: If You Build It, They Will Come: How We Started a School for Gifted Children

Curriculum Studies

VC-1: Artful Curriculum Design: A Practical Path


VC-2: Kicking Learning Potential Up a Notch: The Effects of Praise

Computers and Technology

VC-3: If this is the 21st Century, where is my JETPACK?

Professional Development

8:00 AM to 8:30 AM
1260: 2-An Administrator's Toolbox: Blueprint for Facilitating Faithful Implementation of Curriculum


8:45 AM to 10:15 AM
A Focus on the Arts: Arts Integration and Arts Programming for Gifted Students
1: Bullying of and by Gifted Children and Teens
1270: Connecting for High Potential: How Parents, Teachers and School Counselors Can Work Collaboratively to Reverse Underachievement for Gifted Students.

Research and Evaluation

10:30 AM to 11:00 AM
3-Needs of Parents of Gifted Children: Step One in the Development of a Research Tool


10:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Successfully Parenting Your Gifted Child Using the SENG Formula

Conceptual Foundations

Gifted education goes Hollywood: A film-lover's guide to our field's future


2.2 Yoga & the Gifted Child: Breathing and Stretching Techniques to Calm and Focus the Mind

Counseling and Guidance

The Muddled Middle: Gender and Sexuality in Early Adolescents

Creativity Division

A new look at divergent thinking test scoring techniques

Special Schools/Programs

31.1 Hidden Gifts: The Power of Social Context at Residential High Schools for the Gifted

Curriculum Studies

11.2 Enriching learning experiences to stretch potentials in a Hong Kong classroom: Antarctica Expedition 2011

Special Schools/Programs

Quest for Knowledge and Competition Experience: Quiz Bowl for 4th and 5th graders

Computers and Technology

2.2 Rampaging Robots: Results of an intervention study of spatial ability and LEGO robotics

Counseling and Guidance

7.3 2e: The Paradox of Dual Exceptionality


Jazzed about Javits -- GEMS Data Showing Impact on Student Learning in Math and Science

Research and Evaluation

Academic Effects of Cluster Grouping on Gifted and General Students from Diverse Cultural Groups

Creativity Division

Lil' Wayne, Postmodern Rapper: A Study in Creative Development


Louisiana's Talented Arts Program

Research and Evaluation

25.2 Cognitive Abilities and Learning Styles: A Correlation Analysis


40 Years after the Founding of SMPY: What do we Know about Developing Mathematical Talent?

Special Populations

28.4 Linking Rampage Shootings to GT with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders: A Discussion

Early Childhood

He's too naughty to be gifted: Using differential diagnosis to increase identification of young children

Special Schools/Programs

38.2 Our 6th Grade Buddies: A Kindergarten Year of Collaboration

Counseling and Guidance

Gifted Adults: You Don't Just Outgrow It!


Include Students, Parents, and Teachers in the Process for Maximum Results

Early Childhood

15.2 Using a Continuum of Rubric-Based Performance Assessments to Support Young 21st Century Learners.


Sustaining gifted youth and Their families in the new millenium: Case studies from Australia

Middle Grades

16.3 Enlivening Middle School Minds Through the Arts in English and History Class


Visual Arts Talent Development in Magnet High School Gifted Students

Curriculum Studies

13.1 Formative Assessment: Practical Strategies for Differentiating Instruction

Computers and Technology

6.2 SCRATCH: Computer Programming with Primary and Secondary Students

Special Populations

27.2 New ways of identifying potential gifted students without any tests

Special Schools/Programs

Action-Based Learning to Develop Your Brain

Middle Grades

18.2 Differentiating Across the Middle Level Curriculum Using Children's Literature: Graeme Base

Creativity Division

8.4 Innovatively Supporting Students with a "Fashionably Right" Mix: Teaching for Creativity with a Unique Curriculum

Professional Development

Using Wikis for Teaching and Learning Beyond Boundaries

Special Populations

Honoring Alexinia Baldwin and Mary Frasier: An Anthology of Multicultural Gifted Education

Professional Development

Pebbles, Rocks, and Boulders: Supporting Change from Direct Instruction to Facilitated Learning

Curriculum Studies

Developing Wisdom Using Understanding by Design: Examples from a Lesson

Special Schools/Programs

Preparing gifted students to succeed in specialized STEM high schools

Computers and Technology

Beyond the Page: Teaching Talented Readers 2.0

Professional Development

Mentoring pre-service teachers: approaches, merits, and pitfalls of field experience and student-teaching in gifted classrooms
23.4 PLC Book Studies: TLC for Educators of the Gifted

Special Schools/Programs

Three New Rs: Research, Rubrics, and Realities in Saturday, Weekend and Summer Programs

Counseling and Guidance

College Counseling for Twice-Exceptional Youth


Graduate Student Committee

Curriculum Studies

1280: Twelve Stories of Academic Acceleration
1290: The CLEAR Curriculum: What Works in Gifted Education

Early Childhood

1300: Paths to a Growth Mindset

Signature Series

1310: To Group or Not to Group, That is the Question

Special Populations

1320: Using the NAGC Pre-K-Grade 12 Gifted Programming Standards in Identifying Students from Diverse Backgrounds

Counseling and Guidance

1490: Developing Future Moral Leaders: Striving for excellence above and beyond academics

Professional Development

VC-4: Using the 2010 NAGC Pre-K-Grade 12 Gifted Programming Standards in Professional Development


VC-5: STEM Starters Toolbox: Nuts, Bolts, and Tools for Elementary Gifted Teachers

Curriculum Studies

VC-6: To Group or Not to Group: Is That the Question?

Research and Evaluation

11:00 AM to 11:30 AM
3-Tiger Mother Parenting Is the Best? Investigation of Social Capital Role in Supporting Educational Aspirations

Curriculum Studies

11:45 AM to 12:30 PM
It Sounded So Good at Conference: A Journey to Implement Socratic Seminars in Elementary School
Multicultural Gifted Education: Another Way to Differentiate the Curriculum


Jazzin' it Up: Integrating Literature, Social Studies and the Arts to teach about the 1920's

Curriculum Studies

Make It "Notebookable"!

Research and Evaluation

High-Achieving African American Male College Students: Reasons for Their Academic and Career Choices in STEM

Early Childhood

If They Can Say Tyrannosaurus Rex, They Can Say Triangular Prism: Nurturing Children's Mathematical Language

Computers and Technology

The Sky's the Limit!

Creativity Division

Alive and Kickin: Engaging Students through Arts Integration and Problem Solving

Curriculum Studies

Differentiation and Technology: An Instructional Match


STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math in the Design of a Miniature Golf Course

Creativity Division

Grandfather Tang-A Side of Tangrams

Professional Development

Art-Inspired Poetry/Songs as Poetry -Analysis, Writing, Creating

Counseling and Guidance

Teaching Gifted Students to Use Biographies as Career Mentors: A Road Map to Success

Research and Evaluation

What Works in Gifted Education: Integrated Reading Curricular Models for Gifted Students

Middle Grades

Middle School Readers...What We've Learned

Creativity Division

Tinkering Child, Adult Scientist: Creativity and Integrated Art/Science Curricula
The Business of Creativity: Y.E.S. for Arkansas

Research and Evaluation

The DNA of Moral Compass in Careers of Gifted

Counseling and Guidance

Lovingkindness Practice for Managing Intensity and Sensitivity for the Gifted

Computers and Technology

Differentiating for the Gifted using Interactive Knowledge Organizers

Conceptual Foundations

Factoring In Service Learning: Developing Dabrowskian Developmental Potential Through Community Service

Counseling and Guidance

College major choices of gifted students

Early Childhood

Arts in investigative projects: A method to advance thinking and learning in young children

Counseling and Guidance

Coordinating Services for Gifted Secondary School Students

Middle Grades

Using Childrens Literature to Teach About Wisdom

Special Populations

Teach Writing Processes to Build Academic Success

Professional Development

Learning to Lead

Counseling and Guidance

1340: Meeting the Needs of Twice-Exceptional Students: Techniques from a Researcher and Classroom Teacher.

Research and Evaluation

1370: Action Research: Becoming a Teacher Researcher

Special Schools/Programs

1380: Igniting 21st Century Skills with Highly Engaging Real-World Projects

Creativity Division

1430: Creativity: It's Not Just For Art Class
710: Instructional Applications of Creative Problem Solving Style

Conceptual Foundations

VC-7: Talkin' 'Bout My Generation: Examining Giftedness from a Generational Perspective

Curriculum Studies

VC-8: Challenging Talented Readers With 21st Century Skills

Professional Development

VC-9: A Crash Course in Practical Counseling Strategies for Teachers of the Gifted


12:45 PM to 1:10 PM
1-Delving into Data: Nurturing Our Talented Elementary Mathematicians


12:45 PM to 1:30 PM
Heightened Senses: The Superpowers of the Gifted

Curriculum Studies

All in Good Time: Giftedness and the Use of Collaborative Improvisation in the Classroom
Deconstructing Blooms Taxonomy: Letting Go of Bloom

Special Populations

Establishing Equity - One School at a Time

Professional Development

One Degree from Kevin Bacon: Six Simple Rules My Students Taught Me

Computers and Technology

Tech Tool Time: Jazzing up Lessons for 21st Century Learners

Counseling and Guidance

A Framework for Affective Growth: Developing Social-Emotional Autonomy


Look Both Ways Before Crossing the Street: Instilling Digital Responsibilities for the Digital Highway

Special Populations

Scaffolding for Maximum Output for the English Language Learner and Student of Poverty


Building Bridges of Communication Between School Districts and Parents

Global Awareness

If You Want Global Citizens, Teach Global Art: Banking on Banksy and an Educated Mind

Special Populations

Programming for Gifted, Talented and Diverse Learners: Rigor and the Culturally Responsive Classroom

Creativity Division

Dungeons and Dragons and Gifted Students: Sating Dabrowski's Imaginational Overexcitability Through a Cross-Curricular Approach

Research and Evaluation

The Nature of Leadership Practices on Teacher Implementation of a Newly Introduced Gifted Curriculum

Special Populations

Double the Label; Double the Need: Strategies for Twice Exceptional Children Every Educator Should Know

Curriculum Studies

Teaching in Context - The Key to Improving Academic Outcomes


Art History, Appreciation and Interpretation through Puppets, Song Writing, and Movement

Early Childhood

Constructing Rubrics & Criteria Cards for Young Gifted Learners

Professional Development

Partners in PBL: Harmony is in All Things 21st Century

Special Schools/Programs

Radical Programming for the Highly Gifted


Viola Spolin Theater Games

Professional Development

How do you motivate gifted learners? Changing underachievement and maladaptive perfectionism into optimal motivation.

Signature Series

Publish with NAGC

Computers and Technology

1390: Ideas Worth Spreading: Using TED Talks to Create Socratic Seminars
1400: Integration of iPads and iPods

Conceptual Foundations

1410: Growing Even Smarter Brains: How Everyone Can Increase His/Her Intelligence

Counseling and Guidance

1420: Developing Optimism in Gifted Adolescents

Early Childhood

1440: Space that Teaches: Why Environment Matters


1470: MIND THE CONNECTIONS: Growth Model, RtI, and Academic Acceleration

Signature Series

1480: Rethinking Giftedness and Gifted Education: A Proposed Direction Forward Based on Psychological Science

Middle Grades

VC-10: Self-Regulation: Critical Skills for Adolescent Gifted Learners
VC-11: Building Momentum in Your School For Gifted Programming

Professional Development

VC-12: Technological Tools to Teach and Practice Differentiating the Curriculum


1:10 PM to 1:30 PM
1-Going Green with Math Manipulatives

Professional Development

1:45 PM to 2:15 PM
1-What About Me Can't You Teach?

Curriculum Studies

1:45 PM to 2:45 PM
11.1 Thinking Like a Writer: Creativity, Identity, and New Perspectives on Anne Frank

Special Populations

27.1 Blurred Boundaries: Exploring the Expectations and Aspirations of Gifted Asian Indian Females

Curriculum Studies

Infusing Service Learning into Advanced Curriculum


2.3 Prison Cells to Classrooms: Applying Lessons from an Ex-Offender Writing Workshop to Gifted Children

Research and Evaluation

The Effects of a STEM Project on Teachers' Science Process Skills and Science Content Knowledge

Special Populations

29.1 Partnerships between Foundations and Summer Programs: Advancing the Potential of Underserved Gifted Students


The Development of Identification Measures for Artistically Gifted Students from Low Income Families

Early Childhood

Engaging the Young Advanced Reader in Quality Literacy Experiences

Global Awareness

Skyping with Kyrgyzstan: Opportunities in International Education for Student Involvement And Professional Development

Special Schools/Programs

30.4 Ways that Gifted Schools Support Social and Emotional Needs

Computers and Technology

4.2 Gifted 2.0

Counseling and Guidance

7.2 SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted) We're Here for You!

Research and Evaluation

R&E 2011 Dissertation Award winners present their research


Goldilocks Parenting: Effects of Too Much, Not Enough, and Just the Right Amount of Involvement

Special Schools/Programs

Profoundly gifted students benefit from specialized schools and specialized learning opportunities

Early Childhood

15.1 Get Your Hands Dirty! Project Based Learning for Preschool and Primary Gifted Students


18.3 Planning the Home Activities for Gifted Students A Case Study: Atalay Family from Turkey

Professional Development

23.3 Addressing the Under-Identification of Gifted Minority Students with School-Based Professional Development for Educators

Counseling and Guidance

Bullying: How it impacts G/T students and how you can root out a major cause

Special Populations

Creating Positive Personal Growth for Diverse Gifted Learners

Research and Evaluation

On Becoming Themselves: The 1964-1968 Presidential Scholars 45 Years Later


Celebrating Intensity, Diversity and Discrepancy

Curriculum Studies

13.2 Using the Purdue Three-Stage Model to Design Theme-based, Interdisciplinary Curricula

Research and Evaluation

Does Birthdate Affect Recognition of Giftedness?

Global Awareness

Beyond Environmental Education: Ecological Literacy for Gifted Students

Special Schools/Programs

32.4 The State of Gifted Education in 21st Century Independent Schools

Research and Evaluation

Introduction and Application of Program Evaluation in the Gifted Education Context

Creativity Division

A Comprehensive Model for Evaluating Creative Problem Solving Programs


Making the Impossible Possible: Fifteen Strategies for Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience

Creativity Division

Fostering Creativity Through Technology: Critically and Creatively Thinking about Collaborative Communication
9.1 Meaningful Economics, a Competition Promoting Individual and Group Creativity


20.1 Parenting Possibility: How to Help Your Daughter Cope with the Gift of Multipotentiality


36.3 Ocean Explorations: Hands-on science in the classroom and beyond!

Special Schools/Programs

Gifted: Eliminating an Imposed Ceiling


Fractions Aren't Trains - They Don't Run On A Schedule, They Happen All Year Long

Professional Development

Transforming Top-Down into Grass Roots: Creating Buy-In in Required Professional Development

Computers and Technology

5.4 Using technology and creativity to differentiate for the talented foreign language learner

Creativity Division

Take the "A" Train: Jazz Improvisation as an Intellectual Construct and Vehicle for Creative Development

Counseling and Guidance

The Academic, Social, and Emotional Implications of Entering College Early: A Case Study


35.1 How the parents of Promising ELL students respond to their low math achievement?

Signature Series

What if you could design a perfect environment for adolescent talent development? Would it take the form of a special high school?

Middle Grades

1520: I Luv Sh8spr: Teaching 21st Century Skills Through the Timeless Classics of The Bard
1530: Escalating Language Arts/Reading for Talented Middle Grades Readers and Writers


1540: mLearning: Personalized Gifted Education in Every Parent's Pocket

Special Populations

1560: Moving Beyond Budget: Implementing & Supporting Diverse Programs/Services with Limited Resources. OrWhy Leadership Matters!


1630: Following the Autonomous Learner, a proactive approach to the development of the gifted and talented

Signature Series

VC-13: Our Sputnik Moment

Curriculum Studies

VC-14: Differentiation and the Brain: Using 21st Century Knowledge to Support Student Growth
VC-15: I Hate School: Addressing Affective Needs In Your Gifted Curriculum

Professional Development

2:15 PM to 2:45 PM
1570: 1-Eight Essentials for Engaging Gifted Learners
3:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Zoom-A Perspective of Gifted Education in the Classroom


3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
2.4 No Sewing Required: Quilts in the Fabric of Curriculum

Early Childhood

To Infinity and Beyond: Challenging Highly-Able Primary Mathematics Students

Special Populations

26.4 Cinematherapy, Aspergers, and Meeting Social and Emotional Needs for Students and Parents


Underachievement Among Gifted Black Students: Update, Issues, and Recommendations

Special Populations

From Assessment to Instruction: Application of the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Tests

Curriculum Studies

Connecting Gifted Curriculum to Content Standards Using Current Brain Research Approach

Special Schools/Programs

30.3 Summer Enrichment for Gifted Learners

Curriculum Studies

10.4 Teaching Talented Writers
Thinking critically about effective curriculum and instruction for mathematically talented elementary students
Rules, Schmules: How Effective Classroom Management Benefits the Gifted Learner

Creativity Division

Fabulous Failures! Welcoming the 4Cs into the 21 Century Classroom.

Research and Evaluation

An External Evaluation of the Schoolwide Enrichment Model: What do Students and Teachers Think?

Professional Development

22.1 Asset Mapping for Gifted Education

Special Schools/Programs

GT@UT: A Summer Program Kickin It Up a Notch

Computers and Technology

6.4 Technology Tools That Are Cool

Creativity Division

9.4 Creative & Critical Thinking Skills From Our Brains To Yours!


35.2 Networked Learning for the Net Generation

Early Childhood

Developing Thinking Skills in Young Children: Research-based Strategies from Psychology and Neuroscience

Professional Development

A 3 Tiered Comprehensive Approach to Providing Online Training and Certification to Gifted Teachers


Dreaming With Your Eyes Open: Engaging Gifted Parents and Children Outside of the School Day


4.1 Podcasts and Presentations Using Digital Media


Accepted On Condition: What Perfectionism Is, And How To Help
18.4 Democracy in Action: A Community Drop Out Project

Professional Development

23.2 Passion - The Fuel of Achievement


High Achieving Millennial Males and their Fathers

Middle Grades

18.1 Accepting the Challenge: Supporting, Measuring, and Reporting Academic Growth in Advanced Middle School Students

Curriculum Studies

Writing a Winning Curriculum: Guidelines for Curriculum Studies Competition

Research and Evaluation

25.3 Gender differences in cognitive abilities among the intellectually talented for the last 30 years

Conceptual Foundations

7.1 The paradoxical effects of praise, criticism, and no-feedback for underachieving gifted children

Creativity Division

Off The Charts Creativity for the Gifted

Curriculum Studies

The Return of a Legend: (Hu)Mans: A Course of Study

Early Childhood

14.4 Self-regulated learning abilities, learning styles, and perceived giftedness in Korean children K-6.


20.1 STEM in the Trenches

Special Schools/Programs

33.1 The Mentoring Program for Mathematically Gifted Students

Creativity Division

Using the Creative Constructs of the TTCT to Stimulate Creativity in Core Content Lessons

Research and Evaluation

Schizophrenia and Creativity: A Meta-analytic Review

Special Populations

29.2 One Valedictorians Freshman Year in Engineering School

Curriculum Studies

13.3 Harry, Katniss, and Percy: Learning Critical Reading Skills through Popular Literature


2011 Early Leader Award: In Search of Under-Identified Students: Considering more than culture and poverty!
2011 Distinguished Service Award

Curriculum Studies

1590: Blowing the Dust off of History: Bringing Social Studies Alive for All the Senses
1600: From the Lorax to Fahrenheit 451: a Study of Utopian/Dystopian Societies

Global Awareness

1610: Connecting Gifted Students to the Global and Local Community

Professional Development

1640: CONNECTIONS: Preparing for the Next 25 Years in Gifted Education
1650: Teachers Reflect: How Does Interaction with Exemplary Curriculum Change Teachers Perceptions of Planning and Teaching?
1660: Teacher Training: Effective Methods for Confronting Bullying and Keeping Gifted Students Safe

Research and Evaluation

1670: Assessing the Creative Process: Development and Evaluation of the Creative Process Questionnaire

Signature Series

1680: Redefining Giftedness for a New Century: Shifting the Paradigm
1690: The New CogAT: An Ability Test for the 21st Century

Research and Evaluation

2: Gifted Students' Most Positive Experiences: Applying a Core Virtues Framework from Positive Psychology


VC-16: Academic acceleration: Resources for identification, policy, and advocacy

Special Populations

VC-17: The Twice-Exceptional Learner: What Have We Learned and What is Next

Counseling and Guidance

VC-18: 21st Century Skills for Gifted Learners: Responsibility, Persistence, Collaboration, and Resilience

Professional Development

3:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Using data to design differentiated professional development: A fidelity approach

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Special Populations

8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
The Schoolwide Cluster Grouping Model: Restructuring Gifted Education Services for the Twenty-First Century

Middle Grades

Whats New in Young Adult Literature: 2011 Edition


Singing about Gifted Student Success: Collaborating with the Lyric Opera of Chicago


Without Geometry, Life Is Pointless Or Paper Folding and Mathematically Talented Students

Global Awareness

Sharing a World of 7 Billion: Lessons for Global Citizenship

Special Schools/Programs

The Renzulli Academy: Creation Of A School From The Bottom Up And The Outside In

Computers and Technology

The Google Geek Squad: Rockin' in the FREE World

Conceptual Foundations

Can Gifted Education Avoid Contributing to Social Inequality?

Curriculum Studies

Using Personality Factors to Support the Social, Emotional & Academic Health of Gifted Children

Counseling and Guidance

1710: Self Concept of Gifted Students: What teachers and counselors should know

Creativity Division

1720: Toward a Better Understanding of Creativity and Problem-Solving Styles of Talented Secondary School Students

Early Childhood

1730: Play Based Assessment: Identifying Gifted Preschoolers

Research and Evaluation

1750: Is giftedness a qualitative or quantitative construct?

Counseling and Guidance

9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Laying waste

Creativity Division

Adding Complexity and Depth to Teaching for Creativity

Professional Development

Teacher instructional quality in a university-based enrichment program: Lessons learned from the observers perspective


Making the Arts Come Alive: Incorporating the Arts across the Curriculum


Changing Family Structures: New Roadmap for the Future

Global Awareness

Teaching Tolerance to Tomorrow's Leaders

Computers and Technology

Jamming with Problem-Based Learning and Technology


Snapshots of Gifted Science Programs Inspiring and Engaging Elementary Students and Driven by Best Practices

Special Schools/Programs

Schoolwide Enrichment Model: Getting Enrichment Clusters to Work for You

Special Populations

U-STARS~PLUS Using Science, Talents and Abilities, Promoting Learning for Under-Represented Students: A Framwork for K-3 Programming

Conceptual Foundations

Gifted Education Is Fractured, Porous, and Contested: What Should We Do About It?

Research and Evaluation

The "G" Word: Defining or Dubunking Giftedness

Early Childhood

1760: Common Core Standards: What Does it Mean for Our Young Advanced Readers

Middle Grades

1770: Activities and Assessments for Gifted Middle School Students Using the Common Core Standards


To see detailed information about a session, please click on the session title.


Last Updated: 7/27/2024 3:21:21 AM