Session Information
The 48th AFP International Conference on Fundraising
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Called to Serve: A Vision of Philanthropic Work and Leadership
Track : ACFRE
Program Code: ACFRE1
Date: Monday, March 21, 2011
Time: 8:00 AM to 9:15 AM  EST
Paul Pribbenow, Ph.D., CFRE, Augsburg College, Minneapolis, Minn.
This session, designed for advanced philanthropic fundraising professionals, will explore the idea of philanthropic fundraising as a vocation or “calling” and will guide participants through a series of conversations with peers about the values that define our work. Among the themes that will be addressed are: What does it mean that we are called to our work? How does the concept of vocation or calling make a difference for our understanding of what it means to be a professional? What are the values that define and guide our work? Who and what matters? What are our responsibilities as senior fundraising professionals to
provide philanthropic leadership—in our organizations and in public? What characterizes that leadership? How do we grow in our philanthropic leadership?

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