Session Information
SHSMD 2007 Annual Conference and Exhibits
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Marketing 101: What Marketing IS, and what it ISN'T!
Track : Workshop
Program Code: W2
Date: Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM  EST
Location: Washington 1
Linda Pophal, Director, Corporate Communications, Luther Midelfort-Mayo Health System, Eau Claire, WI
Marketing is not advertising. Marketing is not "a brochure." Marketing is a strategic process designed to
connect a specific, target audience with a specific, desired product or service. The marketing process begins
long before a copywriter ever creates a headline, long before a designer ever designs an ad—and, in fact, it
may never require an ad at all! Explore the 4 P's of marketing from a healthcare perspective to learn how
to use everyday requests for a brochure or ad as a starting point for more strategic discussions of critical
product and service attributes, pricing (or perceived value) issues, place (location and access), and, ultimately, promotion in its many forms. Learn how to say no to tactical requests and to steer internal customers to more strategic—and demonstrably effective—alternatives.
You will learn to:
1. Recognize the elements of the marketing mix (the 4 P's), the role advertising plays in this mix,
and how other elements can be maximized for organizational success.
2. Understand the steps in the consumer decision-making model and how they can be applied to
the development of marketing plans and strategies.
3. Identify approaches for redirecting internal requests for "advertising" into more appropriate
marketing solutions.

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