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EDW Job Automation -- Calendar Once, Run Many (1332)
Track: Business Intelligence and Performance Management

Educatsional Expertise   Focus: Banner Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)
Program Code: 1332
Stephen Lipps, Assistant Registrar for Information Services, Purdue University
Clifton Ivy, Analyst / Programmer, Purdue University
This presentation will cover the EDW job automation processes that Purdue built, and what we learned on the way to implement them. As Purdue began implementation of the EDW, the overlapping complexity of the event calendars made it obvious that running these events manually without error would be challenging and time consuming. We needed to automatically run the events from a calendar without manual re-entry. EDW automation needed to fit within the ODS job submission procedures already in place, allowing EDW jobs to be dependent upon ODS job completion. And we needed EDW jobs to report their success or failure via daily email. Come take a journey if you are interested in EDW implementation or job automation.

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(Code: 1332A/1332VA/1332)
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Virtual Attendee:Free
Authorized NON-Attendee:$25 USD
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(Code: 1332A/1332VA/1332)
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