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Admission Application Loading Using EDI (1596)
Track: Recruiting and Admissions

Educatsional Expertise   Focus: Banner Student
Program Code: 1596
Yong Zhou, Senior Programmer/ Analyst, University of San Francisco
Have you ever wondered how to upload admission applications into Banner if your school has electronic applications coming from online sources other than Banner SSB? University of San Francisco has developed the native interface with Banner to process admission applications received from other online sources, like Common Application, CollegeNet and LSAC. This presentation will explain how to take advantage of Banner baseline TS189 Data loading process SAR189u to load admission application data. This presentation will cover the steps needed to implement this interface. The presentation will also demonstrate how we are loading some application data that either hasn't been defined on TS189 or hasn't been included in SAR189u, like parent info, new ethnicity, race etc. This session will be useful to all Summit attendees who focus on student admission.

Screen Capture
(Code: 1596A/1596VA/1596)
Regular Attendee:Free
Virtual Attendee:Free
Authorized NON-Attendee:$25 USD
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Handout Online
(Code: 1596A/1596VA/1596)
Regular Attendee:Free
Virtual Attendee:Free
Authorized NON-Attendee:Free
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