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Success With Mass Data Update Utility (1866)
Track: Student Services

Educatsional Expertise   Focus: Banner General
Program Code: 1866
Daniel Looby, Application Development Manager, Georgia Inst. of Technology
Banner's Mass Data Updating Utility (MDUU) is a business tool that institutions can use to quickly and easily develop batch updating processes that are not met by current Banner functionality. Parameter
driven, these procedures can be used over and over again. Georgia Tech has successfully used MDUU to set 'NR'(Not Reported) grades when instructors have failed to submit grades. This presentation will show how easy it is to set up (with security) allowing the functional user to control execution of the process along with the successful execution of a complex process.

(Code: 1866A/1866VA/1866)
Regular Attendee:Free
Virtual Attendee:Free
Authorized NON-Attendee:$25 USD
This session is a part of:
Handout Online
(Code: 1866A/1866VA/1866)
Regular Attendee:Free
Virtual Attendee:Free
Authorized NON-Attendee:Free
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