Session Information
NASP 2009 Annual Convention
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Myths and Realities for Predicting and Treating Autism: An Evidence-Based Analysis
Track : President's Special Strand
Strand 1: Making a Difference for Children With Autism
Program Code: SS03
Date: Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Time: 8:30 AM to 9:50 AM  EST
Location: Grand Ballroom B/C—Marriott (4th floor)
Elaine Clark
William R. Jenson, PhD
Data from multiple autism studies from the UU School Psychology Working Group will be presented. One will be a 25 year follow-up study of 241 children followed to adulthood that highlights the predictive value of cognitive growth and adaptive behavior. Another will be a set of meta-analytic studies that cover a 40-year span examining intensive treatments for preschoolers (e.g., ABA and developmental approaches), and interventions for language, aggression, self-stimulatory and self-injurious behavior, and social skills. Effect sizes from these studies raise questions and gives answers about the utility of using peer-facilitated social skills instruction, parent-mediated interventions, and the parameters that facilitate early intervention (e.g., age of the child, intensity and duration of treatment, and use of a developmental versus ABA approach). The presentation will end with a practical demonstration of an evidence-based practice approach for teaching social skills to elementary-age children with autism. This Presidential Strand session is a collaborative effort between NASP and Division 16 of the American Psychological Association (APA).